Annual Letter
to Lions and Friends of the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Foundation
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Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Foundation
For the advancement of Eye Research, Education, and Care
At the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center at Fitzsimons
At the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center at Fitzsimons
                         November 2023
Fellow Lions, Families and Friends,
The Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Foundation is requesting your donation to fund the Patient Assistance Program to help pay for transportation, lodging, and meals for needy patients and a family member while the patient undergoes examination and treatment. This may be at the Institute or elsewhere because necessary vision care is unavailable where the patient lives.
Your Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Foundation is an extraordinarily successful joint project of the Lions Clubs of Colorado and Wyoming. Established in 1991, the Foundation initially sought to provide $6 million -- half the funding -- for a world-class eye center to serve the Rocky Mountain region, which then lacked a comprehensive center for the care of vision and eye problems. The result was the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute, which opened in 2001 on the campus of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Aurora, Colorado.
In subsequent years, RMLEIF, with substantial assistance from the Lions Clubs International Foundation, provided the Institute with more than $1.8 million for additional equipment and $160,000 for a pediatric ophthalmology fellowship program.
Now that it is a nationally recognized center of expertise it also enjoys the considerable support of those benefiting from its research, education, clinical trials and treatment. There is a desire to create specialty services that become the benchmark for which the Institute is known. The Foundation has established a goal of $50,000 to be the local funding to meet matching requirements of LCIF when the Institute announces the official completion of the fifth floor plan.
The Foundation depends on contributions from Lions Clubs, individual Lions, and others. By using these donations, in combination with earnings from investments and matching funds from LCIF, RMLEIF has contributed more than $7 million to advance eye research, education and care at the Eye Institute.
To arrange a presentation for your Lions Club by one of our Trustees, email We are able to present either in person or virtually.
Please donate by returning the following tear off or visit to contribute. Our continuing success depends on your support.
Donor's name(s): _____________________________________________________________
Mailing address: ______________________________________________________________
Donor's Lions Club: ___________________________________________________________
Mail this tear off and a check to: Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Foundation (or RMLEIF), Tax ID is 84-1175953. (Check if relevant) My donation is ⬜ in honor of ⬜ in memory of the person written on back of this card. Include name and address of anyone you want notified. If any are Lions, say so.
⬜ Don't put my name on the list of donors published online at
RMLEIF, P.O. Box 473007, Aurora, Colorado 80047 -